How to Take Your Ecommerce Marketing Strategy to the Next Level

Are you interested in taking your e-commerce marketing strategy to the next level? Most business owners and marketers do, especially as the new year approaches. That’s when we reevaluate our various strategies and learn how we can improve them.

The truth is, that digital marketing can be complex, and your processes may vary depending on your industry, budget, and resources. You need to keep these factors in mind as you figure out how to increase sales, subscriptions, and engagement in the months ahead.

My goal today is to share universal tips that I believe will benefit business leaders and marketers just like you, regardless of what you sell or how you’ve promoted your brand so far.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at a few ways you can boost your e-commerce marketing strategy and secure more online sales.

Diversify Your Subscription Options

The first thing you should do is make it easy for visitors to connect with your brand. When visitors have multiple options to subscribe to your business, there’s a good chance they’ll see more engagement and conversions.

You’ll want to create a simple email signup form so visitors can join your email list and receive content and offers from your business. This will make it easy for website visitors to sign up to receive content and promotions from your company. Email is the obvious solution here, but it’s not your only option.

I also recommend giving people who visit your online store the option to follow you on social media. You can include buttons that allow visitors to click through to your profile and access it. Alternatively, you can add a social wall to your site that showcases all of your activity across the most popular social networks.

Push notifications are another effective option for opt-in, especially if most of your audience accesses your site from a smartphone or tablet. Research shows that a staggering 15.95% of shoppers will opt-in to receive push notifications from your business if there’s a one-step signup form.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to grow your subscriber base. I suggest trying out these three strategies and measuring your results over time.

Make Personalization a Cornerstone of Your Marketing

Personalization is a powerful way to improve your marketing. Many shoppers choose to shop with brands that understand their unique goals and pain points and reflect that information in their marketing.

One of the best places to see the power of personalization is on Amazon, the world’s largest e-commerce site. If you check your Amazon account, you’ll see a long list of products that match your past orders and search history. These suggestions often lead shoppers to spend more and have a better overall user experience.

You’ll need to spend some time engaging with your customers so you can learn about their specific goals and interests. You can gain a lot of information from shoppers by sending out email feedback forms and using on-site behavior to personalize future offers and content.

If you plan to use personalization in your email campaigns (and you should!), you’re likely to see a significant increase in sales and user engagement. Studies show that personalized email subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened, on average.

You can go a step further and create personalized pop-up campaigns and offers that show visitors based on how they interact with your site. For example, if a visitor is looking at a product on your storefront but is trying to leave, you could offer a discount if they use the coupon provided. Small exchanges like this can have a huge impact on profits and customer loyalty.

Show visitors sales notifications

Another great way to amplify your marketing strategy is to show direct sales notifications. If you’ve never heard of these types of alerts, let’s break them down. Direct sales notifications are essentially non-intrusive pop-ups that show visitors when other customers take an action on your site.

The actions you choose to display can vary based on your goals. For example, if you’re hoping to grow your email list, you could alert your site visitors when someone signs up. Similarly, you could trigger an alert when a shopper purchases a specific product or service from your site.

If you’re wondering how effective they are, consider this; sales notifications have been shown to increase sales by an average of 15%! The reason for this sharp increase in sales can be summed up in two words. Social proof.

Social proof is the idea that shoppers are more likely to take a specific action if they see other people doing the same thing. So, if a visitor is on the fence about buying something from your store but sees that three other people bought the same thing while they were on your site, it might encourage them to follow through with their order.

Boost Sales by Inspiring FOMO

The fear of missing out, also known as FOMO, can increase sales and brand engagement. FOMO is the idea that people will instinctively make a purchase if they fear that a deal or product may not last forever.

60% of shoppers say they’ve experienced FOMO and then purchased the product they were looking for within 24 hours. That should tell you everything you need to know about how FOMO marketing can help your business.

Now, let’s go over some ways you can instigate FOMO. The obvious example that comes to mind is the recent Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday deals. Shoppers around the world rushed to take advantage of the countless offers because they knew the discounts wouldn’t last.


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